About Us
Here is a true story
Ten years ago, there were two people who lived in a paradise which visitors the world over came to see - Tropical North Queensland. But they never seemed to make the most of living in such an exciting region.
Our friends realised they were missing out on lots of events happening 'just down the road' in the diverse regional and rural towns of the Far North Coast, the Tablelands, the Outback and Whitsundays. So, they created the Tropical North Queensland EVENTS Calendar.
The first of its kind, the TNQ Events Calendar has been growing at a rate of knots. Its first edition released in 2003 sold out twice and from there it has grown from 50 to over 600 annual events and spread north to the Torres Strait, West to Mount Isa and south to the Whitsunday Region. It's clear to see why; this calendar makes it so easy for you to find and take part in all the events you love for a richer, more exciting year in our tropical paradise.
This is the most popular and complete guide to North Queensland festivals, events, activities and markets: North Queensland's No 1 published calendar and North Queensland's No 1 Online Events Guide. Full of stunning images and events of North Queensland, this is the only calendar you will want to hang up on your wall! And the only online events calendar you will need! It's your invaluable guide to a Year of Fun.